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1zu220-Shop continues wagon series!

  • Created by Holger Späing

The 1zu220-Shop continues its series of beer refrigerator cars produced by Märklin with a still missing brand of the house of Westheimer.

Even though its item number 98202 falls out of the series of the first wagon series, it seems that this series is by no means finally finished. Because now a new thermal protection wagon in white paint and with a roof in white aluminium continues the "Westheimer" beer wagon series as the tenth example. It carries an advertisement for the "Alte Wildsau" beer brand, which also comes from the local brewery at the 1zu220-Shop company site.

As our photo shows, the model is appealing as well as successful; it intentionally conveys the impression of a G-10-based thermal protection car of the kind that were once in service en masse for breweries, hired by the Bundesbahn. This model is a wagon produced by Märklin and printed by tampon and digital processes.